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Using tags to organize courses

Tags help you categorize, search and navigate through your courses.

Written Olga Kuzmenko

Tagging your courses makes it easier for you to categorize your courses, search and navigate through the course list.

What is a tag and how does it work?

Tags are keywords or terms that describe your course. For example, if you tag your “Onboarding New Employees” course with the word “onboarding”, you’ll be able to quickly find it among other courses by this tag.

You can also tag with a number, year, month, subject matter, or anything else which can help you find your course easily.

You can use up to 32 tags containing up to 64 symbols for each course. We encourage you to add only relevant tags as too many tags can make your course harder to find.

How do I add a tag?

To add a tag to your course, click on Add tag under the course title. In the text box, type in your tag or select an existing one. Press Enter to save the tag.

How do I manage tags?

  • In the Tags sidebar, navigate through All courses / Untagged courses.

  • Click on a tag to filter your courses according to this tag. You can remove filtering by clicking All courses, and the tag will get unselected.

  • Search for a course by typing in the name of the tag.

  • See how many courses with a particular tag you have on the counter next to each tag.

  • Delete a tag by clicking on the Cross icon next to it.

NOTE: Tags are only available for Team plan users. Please upgrade your plan to enjoy this feature.