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Customize the logo, colors, backgrounds, fonts etc. Preview your course on any device and orientation. Save and reuse your custom theme.

Written Olga Kuzmenko

In Easygenerator you can easily create a consistent visual design of your courses and check how your course looks and behaves on any device and orientation.


Previewing is a great way to see the adjustments you’ve made to your course before publishing. Switch between laptop, tablet and mobile, landscape and portrait views to quickly see how your course will look on different devices.



Under Themes section, you can choose a default design theme, or create your own theme, save it and reuse it in other courses.

Once you have customized your theme, click the Save theme button. The theme will then appear in the My themes section.

The theme will be automatically applied to all course pages.



Under Branding tab, you can add your own logo, change the background and customize the color settings, such as text color, main and secondary color, button text color and content body color.

Course Logo

You can change your course logo either by uploading it from your computer or by attaching a link. The recommended size for the course logo is 360×200 px, depending on the logo shape.

Cover background logo is shown on the course cover, and main background logo is shown on the certificate, and, if this option is enabled, on the content and question pages.


Easygenerator has a gallery of backgrounds you can choose from. You can also upload your own image, or select a solid color.

Interface Colors

Color settings, such as text color, main and secondary color, button text color and content body color can be customized under Interface colors.

Cover background overlay text and scroll color is applied to the course title and introduction.



Under the Design tab > Fonts, you can choose fonts and adjust their styles accordingly. It is possible to customize fonts of the course interface and content separately.

Under General styles, you’ll be able to change the font which is applied for the entire course (Body Font). Headline Font is applied to the course title and introduction. By default, the course title is 48px.

Under Content styles, you’ll be able to change the fonts for specific content styles like headline (the course title and intro text), headings, normal text, quotes, highlighted text and links.