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Branded template

Get a branded design theme that can be shared with all your team members and applied to a course in a single click.

Written Olga Kuzmenko

It is essential that your e-learning courses fall in line with your brand and make a true reflection of your company’s image.

The Easygenerator team is here to help you polish your brand image by creating a branded design theme for your organization. To save time and make the course creation process easier, this theme will be shared with all your team members and can be applied to a course in a single click.

NOTE: Available with Team & Enterprise Plans.

How To Brand Your Courses

This is how we will integrate your branding into your custom design theme:

Company Colors

Adjust the color scheme to align with your branding. You can modify the text color, cover and main background color, button text color, and content body color.

Company Logo

Integrate your company’s logo into your theme. The cover background logo is displayed on the course cover, and the main background logo is shown on every content and question page.

Cover background

You can add the approved company image or use a solid color.

Font styles

Use a custom font and adjust general as well as specific content styles like headings, normal text, highlighted text, quotes, and link styles.

Preset Configurations

In addition to customizing your design, we can establish your Configurations in a way so all of your courses are consistently set up. For example, select a default publishing option, preset the results tracking settings, etc.

How to apply your custom theme

To select your company’s branded theme, make sure the All-in-one template is selected. Then go under the Design tab, open Themes, and you can apply your company’s branded theme from here.
