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How to duplicate, move and delete content

In Easygenerator you can copy, move or delete content and reuse existing sections in other courses.

Written Olga Kuzmenko

When you create e-learning courses, you might want to reuse some content.

How do I duplicate a course?

To make a copy of the course, hover over it and click on the Duplicate icon.

Note: the results of your learners won’t be duplicated to the copy. Please make sure to download the results before deleting the original course.

How do I move/copy content?

You can move or copy a content page or a question to another course or another section within the same course.

How do I delete content?

To delete a course or any item within a course, hover over it and click the Trash bin icon.

Note: if you’re not a course owner, but a co-author, you can not delete this course. You can only stop co-authoring.

If you want to delete a section, click on the drop-down menu and choose Delete Section.

Note: Deleted content can not be recovered.

How do I reuse existing sections in other courses?

The real power of Easygenerator lies in reusing sections. Learn more.