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Adding documents

You can add documents and other files (ppt, pdf, doc, doc, xls, xlsx, zip) of 5 MB max via the Document content block.

Written Olga Kuzmenko

Create a content item, choose Docs Layout and select the Document content block.

adding documents

You can upload a document from your PC, choose from your library, paste a document link or an embed code. For example, you can use Google Docs or any other service and get the document link. Here’s how to share files from Google Drive.

The document will be embedded into your course and scaled automatically to fit the page.

documents in Easygenerator

Supported file formats:

  • PDF (.pdf)
  • Microsoft Word (.doc / .docx)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)
  • Microsoft Excel (.xls/.xlsx)
  • ZIP

Max file size: 5 MB.

Note: the size limitation is determined by the browser viewer.