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IT Software & Services

Seamlessly involve IT professionals to create more e-learning on the fly

Transform your technical employee training into interactive courses and resources with the easy-to-use authoring tool
We help the IT industry turn technical guidelines and product training into comprehensive and easy-to-follow courses with our intuitive authoring solution
Create with ease
There are enough complicated topics in IT, so why should your e-learning add to that? Easygenerator’s intuitive solution makes it easy to create e-learning, no coding needed! All you need is knowledge to share, and you can start creating courses right away.
Live co-authoring
Work together in real-time and online. With our advanced features, you can get in-app comments from co-authors and reviewers to ensure you craft the perfect training. Now employees can focus on creating while admins can monitor the process.
E-learning for every need, big or small
Not every learning need requires a formal course. Support your workforce in the moment of need by providing specific and Just-in-Time knowledge in the form of a checklist or how-to. Easygenerator makes it easy for anyone to create resources.
Ebook: The real costs of e-learning: In-house vs. Outsources
Creating training with technical concepts can be costly when hiring external providers. By leveraging internal expertise and creating e-learning in-house, you save both time and money. Our experts did thorough research into the real costs associated with e-learning development, so you can see for yourself how to save money by creating internally.