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Fulfill 100% of your learning needs

60-70% of learning needs in an organization cannot be fulfilled centrally. We call this the “long-tail of learning needs”. Using an employee-generated learning approach, you can fulfill all the learning requests in your organization.  

Fulfill 100% of your learning needs
What is Employee-generated Learning?

Your employees are the people with the most expertise. Leveraging their knowledge is a great way to train your workforce. You can do that by encouraging them to create training: we call that Employee-generated Learning.

Employee-generated Learning and Easygenerator
To embrace Employee-generated Learning, you need an e-learning tool that allows everyone to create training. Easygenerator is such a tool. Together, Employee-generated Learning and Easygenerator put employees in the driver's seat of their growth and let L&D approach learning bottom-up organization-wide.
Zero learning curve
Easygenerator has no learning curve and a drag-and-drop feature that make it simple to create training. Most things, like branding and configuration, can be standardized. That means authors can purely focus on creating content.
Easy collaborating
When you collaborate to create effective training, it would be ideal to work with just one tool. That is possible with Easygenerator. It’s one tool in which you can co-author, send messages, track versions, and more.
Support from customer success
Our Customer Success Managers offer support via phone, chat, or email 5 days a week, 19 hours a day. They even help you with setting up a successful onboarding track. Together, you will determine your needs, set up your project, and get started with our tool.